Who We Are

Chiefs Steering Committee on Technical Services

The First Nations Technical Services Advisory Group (TSAG) was established in 1996 by Treaty Chiefs as a not-for-profit group to serve First Nations in Treaty 6, 7 and 8 across Alberta. Its purpose was, and continues to be, an organization created by First Nations to support the interests and needs of First Nations, with Chiefs and Technicians working together to address issues such as water, housing, health, education and infrastructure. 

The mandate of the Chiefs Steering Committee on Technical Services is to provide oversight and direct TSAG programs and service delivery, holding the organization accountable to their values and operating principles. Starting in October 2022, the Chiefs Steering Committee has taken the lead in exploring the organizational, community, legal and political impacts of the Indigenous Services Act 2019 and Bill C-61 First Nations Clean Water Act.  

Guided by our Elders & Knowledge Holders

As the carriers of ancestral wisdom and traditional teachings, Elders and Knowledge Holders provide the spiritual, cultural, and historical context necessary to understand the deep relationship between our people and water. Their guidance ensures that Chiefs approach the protection of our Treaty rights with humility, respect, and a vision rooted in traditional law, and our worldviews.  

Their role in supporting Chiefs in the fight to protect Treaty rights and water is foundational, as they offer a deep understanding of natural law, oral histories, and the sacred agreements between Treaty Nations and the Crown. These agreements were not merely legal documents but spiritual covenants that reflect a shared commitment to stewardship of the land and its resources.  

Their guidance ensures that advocacy for Treaty rights and its protection is not solely a legal battle but also a deeply spiritual act of honouring the Creator’s gifts and the responsibilities passed down through generations. 

Current Members of the CSC

Treaty 6

George Arcand Jr.
Alexander First Nation

Chief Jason Whiskeyjack
Saddle Lake Cree Nation

Chief Vernon Watchmaker
Kehewin First Nation

Treaty 7

Chief Aaron Young
Chiniki First Nation

Chief Clifford Poucette
Goodstoney First Nation

Chief Troy “Bossman” Knowlton
Piikani Nation

Treaty 8

Chief Rupert Meneen
Tall Cree First Nation

Chief Wilfred Hooka-Nooza
Dene Tha’ First Nation

Chief Sheldon Sunshine
Sturgeon Lake
Cree Nation

Founding Committee Members